After quite a few hours of work, I finally switched completely to DNSSEC. Both client-side in my notebook, and in my personal domain.

The client-side was pretty easy, although something broke in dnsmasq, but I had no patience to debug it, so I have just replaced it with a stock bind9 install, which is DNSSEC-enabled by default nowadays!

To complement that, I added a plugin to Firefox/Iceweasel (WNPP bug #672845 pending, downloadable from the Czech NIC) that shows me with a nice icon if the DNS is secure or not (and in the newest versions, it also shows DANE status, yay!).

So, basically, if you want to have DNSSEC support in your computer, just install unbound or bind9 (maybe dnsmasq, if you don't hit the same bug as me), it is really easy to have it up and running in no time.

To test if it is correctly working, apart from that nifty plugin, you can visit this funny web page from Verisign labs.

On the server side, it was trickier. It involves quite a few steps, and the default tools from package dnssec-tools are pretty buggy. But it was not too bad. After moving my domain from the registrar's DNS to my own server, configuring secondaries, etc. I went ahead with the DNSSEC configuration. I used this pretty good DNSSEC howto, which made the process a lot easier.

After having my DNS server ready, I added the DS records in my registrar, and voilà, is now protected by DNSSEC!

There are a few web services to test your deployment, a simple one, and a more complete one with GraphViz diagrams!

I felt so bold with all this, that I went ahead and created DANE and SSHFP records for my services (and had to debug issues with SSH, because the old ssh-keygen tool would not create ECDSA records). And even set Postfix to use DANE to connect to remote hosts. Let's see how many things break in the following days!